Many small businesses take advantage of the free advertising that comes with well-placed signage on company vehicles. However, as your cars and trucks travel miles of roads in all kinds of weather, they pick up plenty of grime — everything from a fender full of flattened bugs to a layer of dust on the rear windshield.
When you fail to clean the grunge from your business vehicle, it sends the wrong message to prospective customers. After all, you don’t want their first impression to be a lack of attention to detail. Choosing automated car wash services makes cleaning your company cars and trucks fast and affordable.
Automatic Car Wash vs. Hand Car Wash
Some small business owners choose to wash their vehicles by hand, believing this method is more economical. They are often shocked to discover that an automatic car wash actually offers significant advantages:
Lower Water Consumption
Using the sponge-and-hose method can require a shocking 150 gallons of water, even when you make an effort to conserve resources. However, automated car wash systems use an average of just 35 gallons per vehicle, which is far more efficient.
Less Wastewater
When you wash vehicles on-site, all of the water you use is sent down the sewers or absorbed into the ground, along with any cleaning agents you have used. This can contaminate soil and groundwater supplies. Alternatively, automatic car washes reclaim their wastewater, cleaning and reusing it for maximum efficiency.
Less Wear-and-Tear on Vehicles
No matter how gently you scrub, any hands-on car washing method will cause small scratches in the finish of your vehicle. Touchless and brushless automatic car washes clean with high-pressure water power, which keeps your finish looking newer for longer.
Saving Time = Saving Money
While an automatic car wash can appear more costly at first glance than completing the job on-site, this is rarely accurate. Most automated car washes offer affordable pricing plans, particularly for frequent customers.
Your time is valuable, and so is that of your employees. Many small business owners discover that, when they compare the hourly cost of paying an employee to wash a company vehicle to the cost of completing the job in minutes with an automated car wash system, the automatic method is actually a better value.