Can You Use A Floor Scrubber on Linoleum?

Linoleum, a common flooring choice in many commercial settings due to its eco-friendliness, durability, and variety of designs, requires proper maintenance to retain its aesthetic appeal and longevity. One prevalent question we at Washing Equipment of Texas often hear from our commercial clients is: “Can I use a floor scrubber on linoleum floors?” The answer…

How To Use A Floor Scrubber For Concrete

Concrete floors, ubiquitous in commercial and industrial settings, are prized for their durability and low maintenance. However, keeping them clean and well-maintained can still be a challenge, especially in high-traffic areas. Floor scrubbers are an excellent solution for effectively cleaning concrete surfaces. At Washing Equipment of Texas, we understand the importance of maintaining your concrete…

How Does A Floor Scrubber Work?

In the world of commercial and industrial cleaning, floor scrubbers stand out as essential tools. They are designed to tackle a variety of cleaning tasks across expansive floor areas, doing so with efficiency and ease that traditional mopping can’t match. Washing Equipment of Texas is here to break down how floor scrubbers work and their…

An automatic car wash rinses off the soap from a car using greywater recycled water.

A Brief Guide to Greywater Recycling Systems

Clean water is obviously one of our most important commodities. Unfortunately, it is also something that we waste a huge amount of through flushing toilets, and washing your car. None of these things require fresh, clean drinking water, and yet that is what the majority of homes continue to use. However, by installing a water recycling system, you can cut down on the amount of water your business wastes and also significantly decrease your water bill.